- Commercial building potable water conditioning / scale control
- Recirculating hot water loops / scale control
- Water Softener Pre-Treatment / restore efficiency, reduce salt
- Small cooling towers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Small Fluid Coolers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Small Evaporative Condensers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Swamp Coolers/ scale control
- Heat Exchangers / scale control
- Ice Machines/ scale control
- Humidifiers / scale control
- Misting systems / scale control
- Swimming Pools/ scale control, filtration enhancement, chlorine reduction
- Fountains / scale control, filtration enhancement, chlorine reduction
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- Large Cooling Towers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Large Evaporative Condensers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Large Fluid Coolers / scale control, bacteria control, corrosion control
- Evaporators / scale control
- Scrubbers / scale control
- Heat Exchangers / scale control
- Large swimming pools / scale control, filtration enhancement, chlorine reduction
- Large Fountains / scale control, filtration enhancement, chlorine reduction
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Landfill Leachate Water Treatment
Landfill Leachate Collection Systems (LCS) can often suffer from excessive scaling and clogging of piping systems, pumps, etc. Conventional remediation methods include expensive hydro-blasting and/or acid cleaning but the problem quickly returns. When FlowMark systems are applied to leachate piping microscopic calcium crystals are formed which prevent scale from attaching to surfaces. Many customers report piping stays clean and old existing scales are removed.
- Forced Main Scale Control
- Gravity Main Scale Control
- Wet Well / Lift Station Scale Control
- Side Slope Riser Scale Control
- Pneumatic and/or electric Pump Scale Control
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- DAF (Dissolved Air Floatation Clarifiers)/ chemical reduction, improved sludge dewatering
- Settling Clarifiers / chemical reduction, improved sludge dewatering
- Lamella Clarifiers / chemical reduction, improved sludge dewatering
- Microfiltration Systems / chemical reduction, improved throughput
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